Negative number tales
You can see more examples in http://mathtales.ca/stories.html
And here you have a useful dictionary
You can start with: ONCE UPON A TIME... or LONG TIME AGO...
Below zero: bajo cero
Loan: préstamo
Credit: crédito
Steal, rob: robar
Lose: perder
Debt: deuda
Go down, decrease: bajar, descender
Go up, increase: subir, aumentar
Climb: escalar
Peak: cima, pico
lift: ascensor
basement: sótano
Enjoy it!
I know that you are very excited about our next work, but be calm! First of all, you have to make a group (four members, maximun), choose the Roman period and let me know it by sendind an e-mail to arcihistoria@gmail.com.
After that, you have to organize your work: making a general outline about your Power Point (topics, number of slides...), dividing the tasks among the members, decide the appearance of your work (colours, letters, sizes, images...), etc.
At the same time, take into account those items that I´m going to evaluate. Don´t forget anyone! You can see them by clicking on this link.
Evaluation rubric
Here you can find information about each period of Roman History:
One last thing. Remember: the better a Power Point is, the clearer the contents are. So, please, don´t copy-paste never-ending paragraphs, because nobody is going to read them. Your Power must be appealing, clear and original.
Good luck!
Negative numbers (I. Whole numbers, number line)
now that the weather is getting colder, it is the best time of the year to study NEGATIVE NUMBERS :-)
These are part of a bigger group, called Whole Numbers.
To study them, the number line is very useful; it may help you to tell which numbers are bigger or smaller. Read about number line by clicking here (remember to solve the six questions down). After that, play this game for a while to see if you really understood...
At the end of the class, if you feel comfortable with number line and operations on it, try with this game, with more difficult movements... Play
Good luck,
Notice that there is something that we forget last day: you also have to study the photocopy on urban structure.
I keep waiting for your answers to the question in the previous entry. I´ll publish the solution on Sunday, but only if you participate...
Para preparar nuestro examen del día 15, aquí tenéis una pregunta exacta a una de las que caerán en el examen. Observad el siguiente plano de Barcelona y después contestad a las preguntas para los barrios de Ciudad Vella y de la Sagrada Familia (en inglés, por supuesto). ¡Espero vuestras contestaciones!
Click on the image to enlarge (pinchad en la imagen para agrandarla)
a) What kind of layout is it? Describe it.
b) Advantages and disadvantages of this type of layout.
c) When was it built? (Historical period)
b) Which part of the city is it?
a) ¿Qué tipo de plano es?
b) Ventajas y desventajas de este tipo de plano.
c) ¿Cuándo se construyó? (Periodo histórico)
d) ¿Qué parte de la ciudad es?
Click here to see the completed Spanish photocopies of unit 2.
Pincha aquí para ver las fotocopias en español del tema 2 completas
Hello First Year students
With a little help from my math teacher...
Here you have the pre-exam we did this morning, I hope it helps...Remember that you are allowed to use the table.
Keep on working this afternoon and good luck.
When I was writing the title for this post I remembered a song, I hope you like it.
Greatest Common Factor and Least Common Multiple
As we have already studied what GCF and lcm are, I would like you to go over the definition and improve in calculating both, so please, have a look to the following links:
Greatest Common Factor (GCF) is the highest number that divides exactly into two or more numbers.
Read more about GCF
Practice. More exercises.
Least Common Multiple (lcm) is the smallest (non-zero) number that is a multiple of two or more numbers.
Read more about lcm
Practice. More exercises.
Practice with PROBLEMS
Another present: review the section Population figures from your English book, in case...
Here you have the summary I promised, with the six shapes you have to study for the exam.
Download file
Take care,
Are you studying for the exam on population pyramids? Here you have an exact model of the exam on Wednesday. If you want, you can practice, answer the interpretation questions and send them to me in a comment to correct them, ok?
Hola a todos! Estáis estudiando para el examen de pirámides de población? Aquí tenéis un modelo exacto de cómo será el examen del miércoles. Si queréis, podéis practicar, contestar a las preguntas de la interpretación y mandármelas en un comentario para que os las corrija, vale?
Examination model
Anyway, remember the website where you can find the population pyramids of every country in the world. As a training for the exam, see as much as possible and try to guess the type.
De todas formas, recordad la página donde podéis encontrar las pirámides de población de cualquier país del mundo. Ved tantas como podáis y tratad de averiguar el tipo al que pertenecen, como entrenamiento para el examen.
Population pyramids website
As I promised, in order to prepare your exam on population, you can have a look at the next file. There you can find the contents that you have to study for next Thursday.
Preparing the exam
Study hard and good luck!
Sieve of Eratosthenes
It was created by Eratosthenes (275-194 B.C., Greece), an ancient Greek mathematician. Just as a sieve is a strainer for draining spaghetti, Eratosthenes's sieve drains out composite numbers and leaves prime numbers behind. The numbers from 1 to 100 are listed in a table. We will use The Sieve of Eratosthenes to find all primes up to the number 100 by following the directions below.
- Cross out 1 since it is not prime.
- Circle 2 because it is the smallest prime number. Cross out every multiple of 2.
- Circle the next open number, 3. Now cross out every multiple of 3.
- Circle the next open number, 5. Now cross out every multiple of 5.
- Circle the next open number, 7. Now cross out every multiple of 7.
- Continue this process until all numbers in the table have been circled or crossed out.
Download presentation
Questions (to be answered as a comment):
1. How many prime numbers are there from 1 to 100?
2. List all prime numbers from 1 to 100.
3. Which number is the only even prime number?
4. An emirp (prime spelled backwards) is a prime that gives you a different prime when its digits are reversed. For example, 13 and 31 are emirps. List all emirps between 1 and 100.
Enjoy it!
Surface area and Volume, part I
Hi all,
these days we have been working in class with surface area and volume of some geometric shapes. I leave you here some links to go over the most important ones:
Platonic solids (tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, icosahedron)
Remember that you have to present by the end of this week your work including:
1. Description of your shape
2. Net
3. Surface area and volume
4. Examples in real life
5. Problem
(Deadline: friday, 11th of november)
If you want to practice or get some ideas or pictures, you can find more exercises here:
Surface area of a cube, rectangular prism, pyramids and cones, cylinder, cylinder and prism,
Volume of a cube, rectangular prism, prism and cylinder, triangular prism, cone, pyramid and cone, cylinder, pyramid, sphere
Volume and surface area of sphere
Take care,
Present simple or present continuous?
If you want to know when you should use the present simple or the present continuous, click here. You also have a web to practise if you need.
Your Halloween cakes
Thank you very much for all the scary (and tasty) cakes you did.
Here you can see some sweet spiders, a terrific graveyard, some tasty pumpkins, a special skull, some funny bats and a cobweb... but there were more wonderful cakes. You have made an excellent work.
Do you want a higher mark in Social Sciences? Well, in case you get bored this long weekend, you can do this optional task about population pyramids and send your Power Point presentation to my e-mail: arcihistoria@gmail.com
Optional task
In the Social Science class, our pupils from the 2nd year of ESO have been working on population pyramids. Here you have a powerpoint presentation that will help you to deepen on what we have been doing in class. I hope you will like it.
En la clase de Ciencias Sociales, nuestros alumnos de 2 ESO han estado trabajando las pirámides de población. Aquí tenéis una presentación de diapositivas que os ayudará a profundizar en lo que hemos estado haciendo. Espero que os guste.
Descargar archivo
Family tree and powers
Valentina López:
Laura Patricia Baldera:
María B. Castillejo:
Marina Liñán:
We studied the relationship between powers and ancestors, I write here a brief summary:
Parents | 2 | 21 | 2 |
Grandparents | 4 | 22 | 2*2 =4 |
Great-grandparents | 8 | 23 | 2*2*2=8 |
Great-great-grandparents | 16 | 24 | 2*2*2*2=16 |
Great-great-great-grandparents | 32 | 25 | 2*2*2*2*2=32 |
Take care,
Square roots
The opposite of squaring a number is called finding the square root.
See some examples here.
A square root of a number is a value that can be multiplied by itself to give the original number.
A square root of 9 is 3, because when 3 is multiplied by itself you get 9.
It is like asking:
What can I multiply by itself to get this?
To help you remember think of the root of a tree: "I know the tree, but what is the root that produced it?" In this case the tree is "9", and the root is "3" |
Here are some more squares and square roots:
These are the first perfect squares:
It is easy to work out the square root of a perfect square, but it is really hard to work out other square roots.
Example: what is √10?
Well, 3 × 3 = 9 and 4 × 4 = 16, so we can guess the answer is between 3 and 4.
- Let's try 3.5: 3.5 × 3.5 = 12.25
- Let's try 3.2: 3.2 × 3.2 = 10.24
- Let's try 3.1: 3.1 × 3.1 = 9.61
- ...
Getting closer to 10, but it will take a long time to get a good answer!
At this point, I get out my calculator and it says: 3.1622776601683793319988935444327 But the digits just go on and on, without any pattern. So even the calculator's answer is only an approximation ! |
The Easiest Way to Calculate a Square Root
Use your calculator's square root button! |
(And also use your common sense to make sure you have the right answer)
Among the earliest notated secular poems are Goliard songs -verses in Latin with subjects ranging from tender love lyrics to obscene drinking songs. A famous 13th-century manuscript known as Carmina burana (Songs of Beur) has been immortalized through its adaptation by 20th-century composer Carl Orff.
SEARCH ONLINE FOR PICTURES OF THIS MANUSCRIPT AND RECORDINGS OF SONGS FROM IT. You may recognize one of the songs, "O, Fortuna", from its use in numerous popular films and television commercials.
We will be commenting on your findings in our first class right after the bank holiday.
Take care
Hello everybody!
If you need to have a check on the videos that we´ve been watching today in class, in order to do your composition about consequences of migration, you can find them in this website:
National Geographic videos
From Sudan to the United States
Responsibility and leadership
Cultural Differences
- Sense of place and community
I hope everything help you! Bye!
Mathematicians have powers
In a power, we have two main parts:
1. The exponent of a number says how many times to use the number in a multiplication (2 in the example)
2. The base, that says what number is multiplied by itself (8 in the example)
Try on the following website to multiply any number by itself as many times as you want using exponents: See website
If you want to learn what is the meaning of cubed, squared or index form go to the next link: Click here
Once you know everything about powers, you only have to go over the index laws.
To finish with powers, have a little practice by doing these exercises.