

Hello boys and girls!

I know that you are very excited about our next work, but be calm! First of all, you have to make a group (four members, maximun), choose the Roman period and let me know it by sendind an e-mail to arcihistoria@gmail.com.

After that, you have to organize your work: making a general outline about your Power Point (topics, number of slides...), dividing the tasks among the members, decide the appearance of your work (colours, letters, sizes, images...), etc.

At the same time, take into account those items that I´m going to evaluate. Don´t forget anyone! You can see them by clicking on this link.

Evaluation rubric

Here you can find information about each period of Roman History:

One last thing. Remember: the better a Power Point is, the clearer the contents are. So, please, don´t copy-paste never-ending paragraphs, because nobody is going to read them. Your Power must be appealing, clear and original.

Good luck!

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